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We’re always on the lookout for brilliant, dedicated people to join our team of staff and volunteers. We post our vacant roles here on the website, on social media and on most online job boards, but if you are interested in a general discussion about working for us please email

If you want to apply for a volunteer role use the form here or email

Unfortunately, we have no roles currently available, please check back soon, or leave your details below.

Job Application Form

Personal Information

Please fill our your personal details below


Please ensure at least one reference is from your present or most recent employer. References will be requested via email communication where possible.

Present / most recent employer

Second referee


Please detail below the qualifications you obtained from school, college and university. Please list highest qualification first and include details of current course of study.

Other training

Please detail below any further accreditation or certification you have achieved (this includes membership of professional bodies and associations). Please list the highest standard first and include details of any current course of study.


Current or most recent post (paid or unpaid)

Experience and abilities

When completing this section, please describe your relevant experience or abilities and how these demonstrate how you have met the person specification for the post. You should give clear, specific examples of what you have done or achieved. You may draw these examples from previous employment, voluntary or community work, spare time activities, caring and parenting roles, training, or any other areas that you think might be relevant.

Supporting statement

Please provide us with a personal profile and any information you consider relevant to support your application that has not already been provided in this form. If you are, or have been, involved in any unpaid / voluntary activities, please also include this information as well as your reasons for applying to this post. Please limit the information to one page.

Additional information

Data Protection

Ruby's undertakes that it will treat any personal information (that is data from which you can be identified, such as your name, address, email address etc) that you provide us, or that we obtain from you, in accordance with the requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998 and the General Data Protection Regulations 2018. If you are successful, this application from will be kept on your personal file. If you are unsuccessful, this information may be stored for a period of up to six months after which it will be destroyed.

How you can get involved at Ruby's

two young volunteers and child sat in ball pit

Volunteer for us

Do something amazing!
Volunteer to support a local family.

the ruby's team celebrating around large freestanding white ruby's letters

Fundraising events

Come and have fun while raising funds to support our vital work.

happy smiling young child

Make a donation

We couldn't deliver our services
without your help – can you donate?