Friends of Ruby’s

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Could you join us as a Friend of Ruby’s? 

A Friend of Ruby’s is a supporter of our work who gifts us a monthly donation to support our vision of helping children in Cheshire East with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) to thrive and shine.

Every year, we are reliant on financial support from our community to keep providing our services. Individual donations make an incredible difference to our work, but they don’t provide the reliability we need to confidently plan for the future.

Our monthly donations from Friends of Ruby’s enable us to make crucial long-term plans to expand and enhance our services to help the children and families we support. They can rely on us, because we can rely on you.

Friends of Ruby’s – membership benefits

As a Friend, you become a part of the Ruby’s family and you will receive:

  • Welcome letter and certificate from Alison, our founder and mum to Ruby.
  • Regular updates from the Ruby’s team, including news of our upcoming projects, and stories about the children and families you are supporting.
  • Presale ticket access to Ruby’s events throughout the year
  • Invites to visit our Centre for exclusive Friends of Ruby’s tours and talks.

Now more than ever we need regular support our to continue our valuable work. Through regular gifts we can fund new projects which are designed to support, empower, and help families avoid crisis.

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Join us today

You can set up your regular donation and choose the amount per month you’re able to give. If you want more information please call our team on 01260 277666 or email

Each month you will be helping a family in crisis like Sara’s

Sara is a single mum with three boys. Her youngest son Tommy has emerging SEND needs and is on the Autism pathway awaiting assessment. Sara had been struggling to manage Tommy’s behaviour at home, and this was impacting the whole household and her mental health.

Sara was referred into Ruby’s by her Family Support worker. Using our listen, plan, do and review process we identified the families’ priorities and offered behaviour and sensory strategies and short breaks for Tommy in the mobile sensory bus. The Ruby’s approach of offering whole family support meant Sara was invited to Ruby’s lunch clubs and accepted counselling sessions, and following their young carers assessments Tommy’s big brothers started attending Siblings Club where they could have fun and make new friends. In addition, we used our strong links with local organisations to signpost the family to other specialist support which has helped to make life better for them all individually and as a family unit.

“Ruby’s have given me a lot of help and guidance. Since becoming involved with Ruby’s things are moving faster and I have more help.”

How you can get involved at Ruby's

two young volunteers and child sat in ball pit

Volunteer for us

Do something amazing!
Volunteer to support a local family.

the ruby's team celebrating around large freestanding white ruby's letters

Fundraising events

Come and have fun while raising funds to support our vital work.

happy smiling young child

Make a donation

We couldn't deliver our services
without your help – can you donate?